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Artificial Intelligence — A BUBBLE Ready to Explode?

🌈 Abstract

The article discusses the current enthusiasm and hype around the artificial intelligence (AI) sector, particularly in the stock market, and whether it is a speculative bubble that is at risk of bursting.

🙋 Q&A

[01] How to Get Rich with Investing (without Getting Lucky)

1. What is a stock market bubble, and what are its characteristics?

  • A speculative market bubble appears when the market anticipates the growth of a value too optimistically, leading to prices detaching from real economic performance.
  • It starts with strong fundamentals like healthy accounting ratios, big contracts, good growth prospects, or exceeding expectations, which increase the stock's value.
  • However, hype and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) attract more investors, causing the price to climb rapidly without other justification.
  • When the bubble bursts, prices collapse, billions vanish, indebted investors can't meet their commitments, and a chain reaction can affect the entire economy.
  • Past examples include the Tulip Mania in the 1600s and the Dotcom bubble in the early 2000s.

2. What is the current situation with the AI and semiconductor sectors?

  • The AI sector, including semiconductors, has seen exceptional growth, with specialized indices jumping 30-60% in 2023 and hundreds of billions in expected annual revenues over the next five years.
  • This has led to a frenzy of investor interest, with some going into debt to profit from it and focusing all their money on it.
  • However, there are concerns that this optimism may be exaggerated, with risks such as geopolitical tensions, economic downturns, and market sentiment shifts that could lead to significant corrections.

3. What advice does the article provide for investors interested in the AI sector?

  • Exploring indices and trackers can be worthwhile to understand the AI sector's performance, but past performance does not guarantee future results.
  • Investors should be selective and invest with long-term goals in mind, as the sector remains volatile and risky.
  • Analyzing fundamental metrics like P/E ratios and comparing them across similar companies can provide insights into whether a stock is overvalued or undervalued.
  • Understanding market dynamics, analyzing company fundamentals, and maintaining a long-term investment approach are essential.

[02] Conclusion

1. What is the overall message of the article?

  • The AI industry, particularly the semiconductor sector, is characterized by rapid innovation and growth, but it is also fraught with volatility and speculation.
  • The astronomical valuations of companies like NVIDIA reflect the market's optimism about the future of AI, but this optimism can sometimes detach from economic realities, leading to inflated asset prices.
  • Investors need to be cautious and not get carried away by the current euphoria around AI and related technologies, as the risks associated with investing in such a rapidly evolving sector cannot be overstated.
  • The most successful investments are those that are well-researched and aligned with one's financial goals and risk tolerance.
Shared by Daniel Chen ·
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